9th of September,2011.

A GFA/CAF introductory coaching course has ended successfully today in the Northern regional capital, Tamale. The one week intensive programme introduced coaches to the erstwhile GFA basic and intermediate course content for assessment to the acquisition of CAF license ‘C’.

The course introduced among other things the philosophy of grassroot football, the fundamental criteria of football and the laws of the game interspersed with practical sessions.

43 coaches drawn from the Northern region, the Upper West and East regions and the Brong Ahafo Region participated in the coaching programme that was conducted by the Technical Director of the GFA, Oti-Akenteng Francis and A.K. Edusie.They were assisted by Abubakari Nasamu and Mas-ud Dramani Didi.

The GFA technical director impressed on participants to practice the knowledge gained from the course in their various clubs since an assessment would be conducted on their performance at their clubs before they are passed to do the license ‘C’.

Mas-ud Dramani Didi, also a former Coach of Guan United based in Tamale and a license ‘B’ coach noted that participants would now be eligible to become members of the regional coaches associations and should aid in the organization of the body to initiate more developmental programmes as far as coaching is concerned.